Top 5 Midwest Pest Control Companies: A Comprehensive Review

Battling Bugs: The Inside Scoop on Midwest Pest Control Companies

Ugh, pests. Whether it’s tiny ants invading your kitchen or stomach-churning termites munching on your walls, dealing with creepy-crawlies is no fun. But never fear – your friendly neighborhood exterminators are here! In this handy guide, we’ll give you the buzz on the top pest control crews servicing the Midwest so you can squash any pest problem.



The Rundown:

The big daddy of pest control, Terminix dominates the market throughout the Midwest and beyond. Headquartered in Memphis, they serve millions of customers in nearly every state.

The Good Stuff:

Terminix kills all types of pests, from spiders to roaches, and offers specialty extermination like termite teardowns, bed bug annihilation, mosquito mauling, rodent removal and more. Their website makes it easy to schedule service online. Customers say the technicians are knowledgeable and take time to explain their pest-fighting plans.

The Not-So-Good:

Extermination from the big boys like Terminix will cost you a pretty penny compared to local outfits. Some folks also complain their customer service department can be hard to reach.


The Rundown:

This national pest pulverizing pro has been around since 1901 and now has over 400 locations across the country.

The Good Stuff:

Orkin wages war against 400+ types of pests with both one-time treatments and ongoing protection plans. They squash termites, crush roaches, battle rodents and more. Their techs do thorough home inspections and explain their customized action plan. They even repair damage caused by pests!

The Not-So-Good:

Their upfront pricing isn’t always transparent and quotes can increase post-inspection. Reviews are mixed on their customer service.

Ehrlich Pest Control

The Rundown:

This family-owned Midwest pest pummeler has over 50 locations throughout the region.

The Good Stuff:
When it comes to annihilating termites and bed bugs, Ehrlich really brings the heat. They wipe out all kinds of invaders with customized plans for each home. As a local company, they take time to explain inspection findings and make personalized recommendations.

The Not-So-Good:

Ehrlich’s prices are sometimes higher than the competition. Reviews are mixed on service consistency between locations.

Viking Pest Control

The Rundown:

This Milwaukee-based bug bully focuses on Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota.

The Good Stuff:

Viking takes an eco-friendly approach, using low-toxic methods to zap pests at entry points and nests. Their crews are experts at wiping out termites, bed bugs, mosquitos and more. Customers say they provide affordable pricing and great service.

The Not-So-Good:

Their limited Midwest range may not cover all areas. They have fewer online reviews than the national chains.

Arrow Exterminators

The Rundown:

Since 1964, Arrow has grown to over 40 service centers in 9 states, including multiple Midwest locations.

The Good Stuff:

Arrow annihilates all types of pests with customized liquid treatments, bait systems and more. Their techs do thorough inspections to find entry points. Customers report they provide prompt, effective service.

The Not-So-Good:

Some mixed reviews on their customer service and billing practices. Negative feedback is limited though.

The Bottom Line:

Midwest homes have access to great pest control, whether you want a national company like Terminix and Orkin or a local option like Ehrlich and Viking. Compare pricing, services and reviews. Consider one-time and ongoing service plans. For big invaders like termites, you need thorough experts. Stop surrendering to pests – call in the best exterminator for your needs and start living pest-free!

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